So bot a box of ten chaos hounds a while back with the intention of converting them into wolf's for space wolf chapter. Shortly after purchase I saw first preview for the fenris wolf's pack. Needless to say the box of hounds got put on the shelf.
Now I've changed plans and now will convert them into giant wolf rats for use with Skaven army or a unique space marine chapter still in development.
A quick look of what I have so far.
So first thing I've done was cut and reshape the plasted at the end of the hound so I can replace the short tails with a custom made rat tail. To do this I've taken gardening wire cut into a short length and a tear shape hope at one end. Then place a smaller amount of greenstuff on the inside and pressed the loop into the greenstuff, added super glue to inside then clapped shut.
Each of the chaos hound body half's have corrasponding numbers which help so much if keeping project moving smoothly.
The beast are far from done but I wanted to share some of my progress. I welcome any feedback.
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