Continueing the good work on this insane idea and having a blast with it.

So here are some photos of further progress.
The chest and mid torso is far from finished I will sand and resculpt to get all the details right and mimic the Primaris space marine's armor as best as possible.
Planning keep chest plate center plain and blank for later caste conversion.
So in the image above you see all the components next to to each other I apologise for the quality of the photos.
The power pack needs only a little more work till I'm satisfied.
The original head will be saved for later use on another model.
Now to the arms, I will be reworking them as well firstly I need to create or find bits of armored hands not flesh. Will save these for later use of course. I wish to Very much make it so after I'm caste all this in a mold for my own personal use to keep it easy for further Conversions.
Now if you look next officials inages of the product you can see a lot more details my photos could not capture.
Below here are four images of squat conversion that I did NOT make but are very much find inspiring. I do not know the artist who created them these where email to me by a friend.
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