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Primaris Space Dwarf Inspiration

So been taking a break from posting content and working on art due to starting my second and family related issues all is well but it had to take the focus. In the time I found great inspiration for my current project as well as future ones.

Here is just a great image of the character

Here are two great ones with simply weapons switch.

Here are some other wonderful finds

These last images are a great miniature artist
Who has a great fundness for the squat faction of old has done so many converson that at just simply amazing. Once I learn how to link to his blog I will edit this page again.
But teal great reason I wanted to share this is what he has done is some thing so similar to what I wish to do with this model.

So looking some other fun conversions using Terminator bitz.

Not my favorites but still great fun.
This a great one I really like, I do somethings differently but great paint job and exalent use of various bitz.
Now not directly a Squat conversion however with the Terminator helm being used as well other bitz it's a great idea for later use. One could even base a entire army as a squat forve perhaps with enough inspiration and greenstuff.

Now I really like these miniature finds I don't know all the artist that have made these works if any of you do email me and let me. Give credit where credit is due.


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