Continue the work cutting up the models to find I want use to create something can be fun. It does create the issue sometimes being so involved one forgets to take photos. The idea behind all this work is trying a make these power pack not only more appealing to me but make more functional in the fictional sense of making sure these packs have the jet exhausted as intend in all power. It's something I just need to be there for my own sanity. Looking at my work table you can see the freed power packs from Death Guard starter box as well as the power packs from chaos booster box for lack other term. The first power pack being my favorite from the box with central skull on the back and the tentacles holding the plasma gun. The plasma gun was removed at set aside to be clean up for another conversion in progress. With removing the plasma gun it did prosent the problem of the lower combonets damage or removed in the process. I'll use the similar price from the older chaos marin...
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