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Zvezda Castle tower experimenting 1, W.I.P. 1

A while back i was exploring a local book and game store called the griffon I made discovery of zvesta company of products.
Specifically there awesome castle terrain pieces. Ive gone back several times and cleared out ll the stuck they have of these kits.
In this blog post I'm going to show you the results of those terrain peices I've built already and my crazy idea to modify them.
The focus will be the Trap doors that are a static unmoving decorative relieve in the plastic floors of each tower. Now there is no real need to make these modification for any R.P.G. or any use of gaming with these towers.this is simply my fun personal challenge.
This a group shot of all the tower kits from Zvezda company I have made so far. 
Tgere are three standard square stone towers, one drawbridge tower and gate hpuse tower. I have to say I'm very pleased with all there product I had time to work with. On a later date I'll go into more indepth review of all there models I've bought so far. Only the drawbighe tower gave me any real problems.
So the plan so far is carefuly cut all the doors out of the hatch way leaving the e6details of the wood frame work amongst stone floor, than to attempt the door with hinges and a functional handle ring on the door itself. I will drawing plansup for a couple different ways to go about this, as well as making on a to make my own molds to caste in resin a few variants of trap doors that can simply be added to future buildings kits.
These are tower tops that I have already built, I have been able to remove the Trap doors quite even after the assembling them. It can be tricky of course to do this, I do recommend cutting out the Trap door of the floor out before assembly this far.
In the photo above you can see inner floor level with trap door removed. I used stand drill to place while in each corner of the wood frame of the stone floor to make the cutti g through the sides not only easier but prevent cutting to far past the frame. The nail file was used to clean up all the edges of the floor and the cut away door.
A great photo of the crazy mess andfun tbis pronect has brought about at my hobby desk.
This a drawbridge tower that I several difficulties with mostly little rounds here and there snapping on me I have repaired this tower 4 times already and it's waiting on its 5th.  Still  So much fun. Beside it is a wonderful chino style skeleton miniature from reaper miniatures.

Thegate tower  next to drawbridge. 


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