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Showing posts from January, 2018

Chaos Hounds Converson W.I.P. 1

So bot a box of ten chaos hounds a while back with the intention of converting them into wolf's for space wolf chapter. Shortly after purchase I saw first preview for the fenris wolf's pack. Needless to say the box of hounds got put on the shelf. Now I've changed plans and now will convert them into giant wolf rats for use with Skaven army or a unique space marine chapter still in development. A quick look of what I have so far. So first thing I've done was cut and reshape the plasted at the end of the hound so I can replace the short tails with a custom made rat tail. To do this I've taken gardening wire cut into a short length and a tear shape hope at one end. Then place a smaller amount of greenstuff on the inside and pressed the loop into the greenstuff, added super glue to inside then clapped shut. Each of the chaos hound body half's have corrasponding numbers which help so much if keeping project moving smoothly. ...

Primaris Space Dwarf Inspiration

So been taking a break from posting content and working on art due to starting my second and family related issues all is well but it had to take the focus. In the time I found great inspiration for my current project as well as future ones. Here is just a great image of the character Here are two great ones with simply weapons switch. Here are some other wonderful finds These last images are a great miniature artist Who has a great fundness for the squat faction of old has done so many converson that at just simply amazing. Once I learn how to link to his blog I will edit this page again. But teal great reason I wanted to share this is what he has done is some thing so similar to what I wish to do with this model. So looking some other fun conversions using Terminator bitz. Not my favorites but still great fun. This a great one I really like, I do somethings differently but great paint job and exalent use of various bitz. Now not directly a Squa...

Primaris Space Dwarf Conversion W.I.P. 2

Continueing the good work on this insane idea and having a blast with it. So here are some photos of further progress. The chest and mid torso is far from finished I will sand and resculpt to get all the details right and mimic the Primaris space marine's armor as best as possible. Planning keep chest plate center plain and blank for later caste conversion. So in the image above you see all the components next to to each other I apologise for the quality of the photos. The power pack needs only a little more work till I'm satisfied. The original head will be saved for later use on another model. Now to the arms, I will be reworking them as well firstly I need to create or find bits of armored hands not flesh. Will save these for later use of course. I wish to Very much make it so after I'm caste all this in a mold for my own personal use to keep it easy for further Conversions. Now if you look next officials inages of the product you can see a lot more details my photos ...

Primaris Space Dwarf Conversion W.I.P.1

Super awesome space dwarf, had to throw that out there since was the first impulsive title to use for this article. You can tell yours on that title later, moving. So I done a few Conversions of miniature models in the best, but none have survived moving to be useful with this blog, so one will start fresh which I indeed to share here. So a few nights ago I had a great deal of freedom after work, a rarity, and I decided to go to one of my favorite hobby stores in this area, Fantasy Games. I went had a set limited I wanted to spend, I didn't stick to it but I had fun and I didn't break the bank. Having collection of various factions of all settings of warhammer , I honestly could not decide on which one to expand one. So I wondered around the store and just had fun. I came across a special release a limited edition model. It was Grombridal, white dwarf 40th anniversary model. Also the easy to build Primaris space marine's intercessors. We these two purchases I had a ...